Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My 2011 Non-resolution quasi resolutions

I am not one to typically make New Year's resolutions. 2010 However, did appear to be a particularly teaching year for me. I noticed a number of things about myself and my interactions with others with what seems to be especially clear awareness. And so, while I am not exactly making resolutions, I  know this...

  1. In 2010 I seemed to be the object of quite a few people's (in my observation) wild and ultimately humorous projections, largely I believe, because it was the first year I was really engaged in facebook and connected with many unknown entities. In 2011 I am committed to not doing the same to others.
  2. In 2010 I noticed people, especially people who I am close to, were sometimes impatient with me or appeared to be so. In 2011 I endeavor to invite the spirit of patience into my heart and soul with whomever I encounter.
  3. In 2010 I don't believe I laughed as much as I normally do. In 2011 I want to laugh more.
  4. In 2010 I cried an awful lot. These were tears of sadness. These were tears of joy. These were tears of ecstasy. These were tears of despair. In 2011 I am open to all of those flowing rivers visiting me once again and with at least equal frequency.
  5. In 2010 I listened to a great deal of fun, diverse and inspiring music. In 2011--replay and remix.

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