This is the final chapter in this series because if it turns out (God forbid) there is more to this, I'll name it something else.
For those who do not know, posts with this title are about an ongoing process I have been engaged in for the last 3 months. I do not refer to myself as "Master Sage" btw. It is a term of endearment given to me by a friend. While I believe this friend views me a quite a wise one indeed. I would not be surprised if there is also tongue-in-cheek action going on with that name.
This series has not been a self indulgent, self conscious nor a crazed exercise in self absorption as far as I'm aware. It has been the result of an honest and intense evolutionary process for me personally. And it has been an honest attempt to help people save themselves some precious time as I go through this process of trying to find the right note/voice for this blog. I am aware that people who started following this blog 2 years ago are now faced with a very different blog today.
Until recently I have had three significant experiences in my life that can best be described, in my opinion, as "spiritual awakening experiences." Although as soon as I say that I also have the deep awareness that I have absolutely no idea what constitutes a spiritual awakening experience. All I do know is that I spent years not understanding what the experiences were. It wasn't until I met others who had similar experiences that I started gaining some understanding. Most of these people referred to their experiences as awakening experiences. And so I adopted the same lingo.
I had a similar experience after experiencing a stroke three months ago. It was both similar and dissimilar from the other three. It was far less intense in many ways. In other ways it was so much more so. One of the similarities is that just like with the other three experiences, I was prompted, really more like absolutely compelled to make one or more very serious changes in my life.
This blog is integral to my life at the moment. So it stands to reason that the inner and outer changes occurring with me would manifest in some outpicturing of the essential energy of the blog. I believe I have now found that outpicturing. This blog is primarily going to be an expression of my embrace of sacred activism. So what does that mean? It means this blog is probably going to become an expression of my radical black power, radical black gay activist, Angela Davis, Tim Wise, Malcolm X, Nisargadatta-esque self. This blog will not become an over-the-top outrage filled, name calling, foaming at the mouth screed of a blog. I'm frankly too old, too mature, too wise, have been a meditator for way too long and just plain ole know too much to go that route. That's also where the "sacred" part comes in. At the same time I have no interest in pulling punches in order to make people comfortable. Many of the broad topics that have shown up here before, especially more recently, will keep showing up for blog posts in the future---LGBT People of Color Civil Rights, LGBT Civil Rights, Black and Brown Survival in a World of White Privilege, Economic Disparity and its Affects, Arts and Culture, Political Commentary, Homoeroticism and Post Modern Spirituality and all of it attempted to be presented through my sometimes unique lens of spiritual consciousness and sacred activism.
If this is not what you are interested in at this time, this would be a good time to stop following this blog.