Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Monday, December 5, 2011

THE BEST OF MOYO AFLAME 2011: Let Me See If I Am Able to List Here All the Elements That Coalesced in the Troy Davis Nightmare

This piece first appeared on Moyo Aflame on September 24, 2011

1.   Racism/White Privilege: The entire criminal justice system in its core construction in America is racist even though specific individuals and perhaps some specific offices or elements may not be. Still, they are all operating under the umbrella of a very clearly racist system. Racism and White Privilege/White Supremacy are always in tandem in America.

2.   Classism: Wealthy Americans typically don't get executed in America. That is by design not by coincidence.

3.   The Conan the Barbarian Syndrome/The Entire Inhumane and Barbaric Capital Punishment Industry in America: Self explanatory.
4.   The Prison Industrial Complex in America: Self explanatory
5.   The Controversial and often Misinterpreted/Misunderstood Religious Concept of "An Eye for An Eye" as Applied in American Jurist Prudence, Social and Pop Cultural settings: Go here for further elucidation.

6.   The Bloodthirsty and Revenge Elements of American Culture: The ones that are distinct from those found in #s 1,3,4 and 5.

7.   "Up The Ladder to the Roof"/The Proscecutorial Food Chain Syndrome: A city or state prosecutor's ability to climb up the proscecutorial job promotion food chain is directly equal to his/her ability to simultaneously and with equal vigor, climb down the human compassion one.

8.   Georgia on my Mind: It has been proven that the more lynchings a U.S, state engaged in during the time period when such were common, the more likely such a state is to have a high number of executions, particularly of men of African descent. Georgia has a very significant lynching history.

9.   White Cop/Black Defendant: This is a subset of yet still distinct enough from #1 to merit its own category.

10. The Current and Scandalous SCOTUS (Supreme Court of The United States): Self explanatory.
11. Politics As Usual: President Obama, among others, is complicit with this one.
12. Money, Money, Money Moneeey: In America money plays a role in everything.
13. Ronald Reagan: Doesn't everything bad that has happened in America in the last 30 years somehow find its root in the reign of "The Gipper?"

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