Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

From The Jesus in Love Blog of Kittredge Cherry

 Today is the Feast Day of St. Brigid of Ireland. Her Feast Day is celebrated in both the Pagan World and in Christianity. Below is a link to Kittredge Cherry's blog, "Jesus in Love." Follow the link below to be taken to the article she has placed on her blog for Brigid's Day. The article is part of Cherry's blog series entitled, "GLBT Saints."

Brigid is pictured below with Darlughdach, her anam cara in the Abbey community they were a part of in Ireland. The icon is by Brother Robert Lentz. He is a Franciscan friar and world-class iconographer known for his progressive icons. The two women are dressed in the white gowns worn by Druid priestesses and Celtic nuns. Flames burn above them and on the mandala of Christ that they carry. It is one of 40 icons featured in his book “Christ in the Margins.”

Saints Brigid and Darlughdach of Kildare
By Brother Robert Lentz, OFM. © 1999
Courtesy of www.trinitystores.com (800.699.4482)
Collection of the Living Circle, Chicago, IL

Jesus in Love Blog

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