Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Emancipation of Master Sage Part II: A Message to Regular and Drive-By Readers of This Blog Alike

My personal evolution in various areas of my life continues to move at what seems to be warp speed and it seems this blog is moving along right with me at the same speed. 

About 6 weeks ago I posted a piece here entitled The Emancipation of Master Sage (BTW, Master Sage is a nickname one of my friends refers to me by, presumably because he believes I have achieved a level of wisdom in this life that justifies such a moniker. Its not a way I view or refer to myself). At that time, six weeks ago, I spoke of changes I was making to this blog. Mostly what I talked about was the narrowing or sharpening of the focus of the blog. Elements that had been a focus of the blog since the beginning were going to be eliminated. The elements that were to remain were naturally going to be substantially increased and focused on. The evolution continues. The narrowing is continuing. More clarity is emerging.

For all intents and purposes I am rather a classic renaissance man. I am a renaissance man more in the sense of my having a very broad set of life interests more than I am a  renaissance man n the sense of being a very cultured and highly educated man with wide reaching knowledge. Although I am rather well educated also. Because I am such a renaissance man with such broad interests, I sometimes find it extremely difficult, when engaging in something like the authoring a blog, to find my authentic voice, so to speak. I don't just have one or two voices. I have many voices. Each of them nearly equally strong. All of them deeply appreciated by me. So I have never felt the need to emphasize or de-emphasize any of those voices. I don't feel that now either. What is happening with me is not a de-emphasizing of certain of my voices. Rather, I am discovering there are simply some ideas I want to put forth more in this blog than others, at this time.

The biggest tangible changes the blog has seen in four years are now taking place. The biggest of the biggest of those is the name change. The blog is now called moyo aflame. That is a "heart aflame" in Swahili. Later I will create a "page" that will explain the significance of this new title for the blog for me. Additionally, I am continuing to narrow the focus of the blog bit by illuminating bit. The core of the blog will remain at the intersection of spirituality and LGBT culture. I do not view myself as belonging to mainstream spiritual ethos. I definitely do not view myself as being a part of the mainstream LGBT community, whatever that means or is. So those realities, again, whatever they mean, will show up repeatedly here and will be strongly reflected in the overall tone of things here. I believe at some point some of the regular visitors to the blog will get some idea of what that all looks like, if you haven't already. When you do, tell me, so I too will have a clue.

 Ashé. Namaste. Om Shanti Shalom,

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