Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Grieving Man and The Sacred Masculine

"...Men are essentially grieving because we do not know how to love men, half the world's human population. And we need to know how to love men to lead fully productive lives. This is all directly related to the experience of not feeling loved by the father or feeling abandoned or not understood or not accepted by the father, etc. Most men realize this on some level, mostly subconsciously. So many of us then seek out women to teach us how to love. And in many cases these women we seek out (including our mothers) variously succeed at this task. I have found this desire for men to be taught to love by women, by the way, is just as true for gay men as for men who identify as heterosexual.

Do not be fooled by the appearances many gay men give that we are wanting men to teach us how to love or that we even truly know how to love men ourselves. Most gay men are afraid of men on some very basic levels. This is because we had the same real or perceived distant and grieving fathers as our straight counterparts. I have found both as an out gay man and a therapist who has worked with hundreds of gay men--- gay men in general, do not know more about how to truly love men than straight men do and in many cases, we know less..."

Sage Mahosadha
Excerpted from the original essay, The Grieving Man
The original essay can be found here.

By Sage Mahosadha
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