Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Spiritual Practice of Saying No: The Fundamentals, by Sage

1.   Here is one of the easiest ways of understanding The Spiritual Practice of Saying No: One of the goals of The Sacred Human is for us to be happy. Sometimes the world of form (other people, situations, circumstances, etc.) appears to obstruct that goal. This practice is just one of many potential opportunities we all can access to correct all the various perceived obstructions to happiness we imagine can occur in our lives. Sometimes saying "yes" corrects the perceived obstruction. Sometimes saying "no" corrects the perceived obstruction.

2.   Often we say "no" from places of selfishness or lack of generosity. This is not what is happening whenever we are practicing the spiritual practice of saying no. The opposite is occurring.

3.   When approaching "no" without negativity, duality and without conscious judgment, what we are ultimately doing is saying "yes" to life. We are saying yes to peace. We are saying yes to self love. We are saying yes to our developmental process.We are honoring that within us that desires to grow.

4.   We can say the word "no" from places of habit, defensiveness, reactivity, bigotry, ignorance, pride, self-loathing, arrogance, denial, etc. When using the word "no" as a spiritual practice however, it flows from a place of conscious awareness. In other words, it flows from a place of peace.

5.   The spiritual practice of saying "no" is not about making an enemy out of anyone, any situation or even the moments in which we find ourselves saying no in. It is not about creating more negativity in a world that already has too much of that. And it is not about engaging in blaming or creating separation. It is about affirming an aspect of Freedom that is our natural birthright and engaging in that Freedom from a place of conscious joy.

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