Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Friday, March 18, 2016

Spiritual teaching basics (some of them at least)

I very rarely nor very directly speak in my so called "spiritual teacher" voice. I will do so for this post. This post represents a part of my Spiritual Teaching 101 thoughts and philosophy.

So yes, I am a spiritual teacher. Anyone can claim to be this. And I am one of a legion of people across the globe who claim this. Some of us people who claim such are clearly insane. Some of us are straight up sociopaths. Some of us are stone cold narcissists. Some of us are manipulators who mostly use, abuse, and manipulate people. Some of us spiritual teachers are a combination of all of that. I sincerely don't believe I fall into any of those categories. But who knows? I could simply be in a deep amorphous sea of ephemeral denial.

Like many spiritual teachers and many others, I have had several meaningful and in some ways extremely powerful spiritual awakening experiences. As a result, I am on an ongoing and conscious path of deeper and deeper spiritual awakening. The manifestation of this path in my life will likely play an important role throughout the rest of my time in this particular body. In many ways the most appropriate response to that information I just shared regarding having experienced awakening experiences is, "So what? Whoop-de-do!" Yes. Hahaha!

That response notwithstanding, this also does not mean I am on a path toward becoming perfect. That would be quite impossible. All humans are flawed in some way. All. Perfection is also not the point of spiritual awakening. Not even close. Abolishing certain naturally occurring emotions is also not the point of spiritual awakening. People on very deep and very sincere paths of awakening experience anger, rage, jealousy, sorrow, grief, depression, anxiety, emotional distress, lust, etc. The only potential difference is that such people may cycle out of these states much more rapidly than most other people. Or they may consciously choose, with insight and deep awareness, to stay in such states much longer as a part of their awakening process and self-administered awakening education of sorts. Also, it is extremely important to understand that many people are enlightened in some areas of life and not in other areas. For example, a person may be enlightened in terms of spiritual acumen and connection to the sublime realms of mystical insight and at the same time may be very far from being enlightened in terms of the attainment of plain old social skills. Yep. The idea that "enlightenment," which itself is a very complex and nuanced concept, always and absolutely involves total healing, transformation, and infusion of knowledge on all important levels, with regard to the person deemed as enlightened, is a farcical myth. Every spiritually awakening person is both fully human and fully divine...and so are you... and so is everyone else.

The majority of enlightened people walking the earth, BTW, are not spiritual teachers; they are also not necessarily even viewed as being enlightened nor necessarily even particularly spiritual nor religious in any clearly identifiable way. They are regular folks quietly going through their lives as janitors, housewives, construction workers, accountants, information and technology people, nurses, homeless people, artists, chefs, and such, quietly transforming the world through their quiet yet powerful attention and presence toward the people and other elements in their environment.

Spiritual awakening is always a process. I don't care what anyone says to the contrary. It is always a process. And yes, an awakening person can introduce many others to extremely sublime, beautiful, and mystic realms that could not otherwise perhaps even be imagined. An awakening person who is also quite immature and underdeveloped in some other important life areas can also cause people much misery and pain.

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