Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Top 10 Warning Signs That You Might Be "Integral" (For Gays) By Joe Perez

10. You don’t find yourself easily offended by slights to your ego, subculture, or group identification; therefore “political correctness” has little appeal to you (though you intuitively tend to avoid causing others unnecessary pain through your words or deeds).

9. You have come to a compassionate stance with regard to religious fundamentalists and conservative zealots because you recognize that their own stage of evolution may be less than your own. You pick your battles for justice carefully and strategically, not by reacting out of anger or fear.

8. It doesn’t much matter to you what labels other people call you: “gay,” “homosexual,” “LGBT,” or whatever. You wear all signs of identity lightly and strive to avoid compartmentalizing your sexual and overall sense of identity.

7. You don’t look for “explanations” of homosexuality as exclusively the domain of biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, social historians, or theologians, but seek comprehensive approaches that include individual and collective dimensions in subjective and objective perspectives.

6. You are non-judgmental not because you want others to like you or you because you seek to avoid being judged by others, but because you recognize your own “shadow” in everything you judge. Nevertheless, you are willing to make value judgments and rankings when it’s necessary and practical towards contributing towards your own or another’s holistic development. For the rest of the list visit Joe's blog here

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