Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Monday, March 21, 2011

What Are We Doing? What Are We Teaching? (The Blog Series) Part II

When I grow up I want to be a member of a large and powerful church that was started by a beautiful Master Teacher who taught about love, charity and compassion. I want to reinterpret those wonderful teachings and twist them into teachings about prejudice, intolerance, hatred and greed. I will label anyone who questions or challenges me as an evildoer, communist, socialist, stupid or the absolute worst--a scumbag fag or lezzie. I will give legitimacy to viewing fags and lezzies as scumbags by finding cleaver yet inappropriate and unloving ways to compare these scumbags to other scumbags such as prostitutes, murderers and drug addicts . I will misquote sacred scriptures, quote them out of context and even make up quotes all to serve my agenda of egoic unwillingness to look at my own inner pain and suffering and the projection of all that onto other undeserving humans. And I will do all of this in the name of God. Amen. Hallelujah.
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