Know that you are not alone. I too am going through a difficult time. I am not making that up. It does not feel difficult though because I do not believe in difficulty. I believe in challenge and challenges. And challenges are a natural part of life. Difficulty does not have to be a part of life unless we insist on making it so. In life, pain is inevitable. Suffering however, is optional.
Pain in inevitable. Suffering is optional. And pain can heal. Suffering? Much more difficult.
You may feel like you are in prison. And you may be in a real or a customized prison made specifically by and custom fitted for you. It doesn't matter. I have to tell you something-- the key to your prison cell has been thrown into the river and all rivers lead to the ocean. And the ocean is very, very vast. And I have something else to tell you--your lawyers have all been let go. Their jobs have been done. And there's more still--your bail has been paid in full. Yes, your bail has been paid in full. PAID IN FULL, baby! The prison guards have also been relieved of duty. You are FREE to go. That doesn't mean that life will magically become a cakewalk for you. It may. Or it may not. But it really doesn't matter. You may choose to stand in that prison cell with the door ajar and that would be a legitimate choice if you choose it. But can you hear the wind blowing past you inviting you to follow it? Your bail has been paid in full and the ravens are calling for you too...
"Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we have been waiting for"
Hopi Elders