Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What if...

 What if many of the words we now commonly and casually use to describe ourselves and others were strategically placed into our cultural parlance and consciousness by forces or people who have a conscious desire to weaken our self esteem so that we can more easily be controlled and deliberately distanced from our own innate greatness. Some of the words I am speaking of may point to "real" physical or emotional states. But do the words themselves reflect the real or true essence of those states or merely some made up presumed negative interpretation of what is at the core of the condition. What message do these words send? What is our true purpose in so easily attaching them to someone else? Do we even know what some of these words mean? Why have they become so enshrined in our culture? I am speaking of words and phrases like...

manic depressive
illegal alien
attention seeking
attention whore
energy vampire
referring to someone as having a "fear of intimacy"

Is it possible that any of these words and phrases below can be used as better descriptors and more accurate descriptors of the people we attach some of those former labels, words and phrases to? How about something like...

codependent could become, "soulful angel whose actions may or may not be slightly misguided but whose intentions are not."
passive aggressive could become, "people who need our love because they don't always trust their own"
bipolar and manic depressive could become, "people whose hearts are so big they tried to encase the world but found out they couldn't."
having a fear of intimacy could become, "flowers that were picked too early to be visited by the honey bees but not too early to be appreciated by the Bodhisattvas who have come in from the fields."
illegal alien could become, "paperless butterfly made of babies breath, not paper."

Why are we so attached to creating the most negative interpretations of the human experience as possible if not to control and attempt to take people's lifeforce away from them? There is another way...

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